A&K's Guest Protection Program with Aon Affinity
Prior to October 1, 2023, you may have purchased A&K’s Guest Protection Program administered by Aon Affinity.
If you have Aon insurance or claim questions, they can be handled quickly and efficiently on our administrator's dedicated, toll-free A&K service line at 800 323 4947.
The Guest Protection Program
Our standard Guest Protection Program includes:
Coverage of pre-existing medical conditions as long as you pay for the program within 14 days of your initial deposit
Trip cancellation or interruption coverage, if unexpected covered medical problems require that you change your travel plans
Medical coverage (up to policy limits) for a covered illness or injury sustained while abroad
Emergency medical evacuation or transportation services, if necessary
Coverage for baggage loss, theft, damage or delay
Toll-free access to CareFree Travel Assistance's 24/7 worldwide non-insurance emergency assistance services that can help you in a medical, dental or legal emergency; and assist with emergency cash transfers, lost travel documents and much more
For your convenience, the cost of this coverage will be reflected on the invoice for your A&K journey. To enroll in the program, simply pay the amount indicated along with your trip deposit, or at any time until (or with) final trip payment. Note: plan cost includes both insurance and non-insurance services.
A&K's Guest Protection Program with Cancel for Any Reason Coverage
For even greater peace of mind, A&K now offers an upgrade to the standard Guest Protection Program which allows you to cancel your journey for any reason. This new Cancel for Any Reason coverage significantly offsets the cost associated with cancelling a journey. Benefits and restrictions are as follows.
If you cancel your trip due to a non-covered reason you will be reimbursed for 75% of the supplier cancellation penalties
You must purchase the Guest Protection Program with Cancel for Any Reason Coverage within 14 days of trip deposit and must cancel two or more days before the scheduled trip departure date
Cancel for Any Reason coverage is only available for trips up to $50,000 per person and is not available to New York residents. See the Certificate of Insurance for complete terms and conditions.
Important: This is only a brief description of the program. For program details, please refer to the Certificate of Insurance.
Abercrombie & Kent’s Guest Protection Program provides cancellation coverage for your trip and other insurance coverages that apply only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker.
Download our Guest Protection Summary
Private Jet and Inspiring Expeditions Travel
Guest Protection benefits vary for A&K Private Jet Journeys and select Inspiring Expeditions. Download our Private Jet Guest Protection Summary or Inspiring Expeditions Guest Protection Summary. For more details, view the appropriate certificate of insurance here.
For questions, please contact the A&K dedicated, toll-free service line at 800 323 4947.
Please note that not all benefits are available in all jurisdictions. This is intended as a summary of the benefits and services and is not your Policy or Certificate. Complete details of your coverage are available at www.affinitytravelcert.com/ABK after your purchase. Please review your policy or certificate for a full list of benefits and exclusions and limitations. State variations may apply. If there is a difference between the information provided in the summary and the provisions contained in the policy/certificate; the policy/certificate will prevail.
This summary contains highlights of the plans, which include travel insurance coverages underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company under form series T210 et. al. and TP-401 et. al. The Crum & Forster group of companies is rated A (Excellent) by AM Best 2020.
C&F and Crum & Forster are registered trademarks of United States Fire Insurance Company. The plans also contain non-insurance Travel Assistance Services provided by CareFree Travel Assistance™. Coverages may vary and not all coverage is available in all jurisdictions. Insurance coverages are subject to the terms, limitations and exclusions in the plan, including an exclusion for pre- existing conditions. In most states, your travel retailer is not a licensed insurance producer/agent and is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the terms, benefits, exclusions, and conditions of the insurance offered or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Your travel retailer may provide general information about the plans offered, including a description of the coverage and price. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service from your travel retailer. Your travel retailer may be compensated for the purchase of a plan. CA DOI toll free number: 800.927.4357. The cost of your plan is for the entire plan, which consists of both insurance and non- insurance components. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Aon Affinity.
Aon Affinity is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. (TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services, Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. (CA 0G94493), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. Aon Affinity | 900 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 | 1.800.323.4947 | travelprotect@aon.com
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