800 554 7016
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Guest Information

Guest Information must be submitted online by each person travelling on your journey and is required to finalize your booking details. You will be prompted to review the information you provided, accept A&K's Terms and Conditions for your journey and then submit the form.


1. Your passport information.  Your passport must be valid for six months after you return home from travel.

2. A color scan or photo of your passport to upload. After submitting your Guest Information, you will be prompted to upload a color scan or photo of your passport in JPG or PNG formats.  Please disregard this step if you already provided this information to us.

3. Emergency contact information. Please select a person not travelling with you who can be contacted in case of an emergency.

4. For guests travelling on a Luxury Expedition Cruise to Antarctica, the Arctic, South Pacific, and Seychelles and Tanzania. If you are purchasing travel insurance from a source other than A&K, you will need to provide your Emergency Evacuation Insurance, including carrier name and phone number.

All your information is kept strictly confidential.

Please enter the Booking Number and Guest Number as provided in your Pre-Travel Documentation.

If you do not have your Booking Number and Guest Number, you may call Abercrombie & Kent at 800 554 7016 during business hours (M-F 8-6, Sat 9-3, Sun 10-2 CT) to get this information or complete a blank form.